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Flat Form

<FlatForm />


The <FlatForm> component is used to render out the configurator for the initialized asset.

The Flat Form can take a prop of attributes that allow us to specify, which component to use for an attribute or if we want to hide any attributes.

By default, the title and description will be sourced from the initialized item, however, we can also explicitly pass in values for these props.

We can also specify the horizontal alignment for the title by passing in one of left, right and center to the alignTitle prop.

By default the Form will not render reserved attributes. This can be controlled/over-written by using the prop includeReservedAttributes={false}.

Code Examples

Basic Setup

Using the FlatForm without any props will render out the Product configurator as it appears on the platform. The FlatForm will use the default Form Component for each attribute type.

import { ThreekitProvider, FlatForm } from '@threekit-tools/treble';

const App = () => {
return (
<FlatForm />

Specifying attribute definitions

In most situations we will want to specify which Form Component each attribute should use, as well as pass additional definitions to those Form Components. We can do this through the attributes prop, which accepts an AttributesObject as defined in the props section of this page.

import { ThreekitProvider, FlatForm } from '@threekit-tools/treble';

const App = () => {
const attributes = {
// This will render out 'Attribute 1' using the Buttons component
'Attribute 1': { component: 'swatch' },
// This will prevent 'Attribute 2' from being rendered.
'Attribute 2': undefined,

return (
<FlatForm attributes={attributes} />

FlatForm Props Example

import { ThreekitProvider, FlatForm } from '@threekit-tools/treble';

const flatFormProps = {
// Override title for the form
title: 'Form Title',
// Override the description for the form
description: 'This is a description for the form',
// Alignment for the title. Options include left | center | right
alignTitle: 'center',
// Whether to include reserved Attributes.
// i.e. _camera (Camera Attribute)
includeReservedAttributes: false,
// The Attributes object allows us to define component selections
// and props for the individual Attributes
attributes: {
// This will render out 'Attribute 1' using the Buttons component
'Attribute 1': { component: 'swatch' },
// This will prevent 'Attribute 2' from being rendered.
'Attribute 2': undefined,

const App = () => {
return (
<FlatForm {...flatFormProps} />


titleOverride value for the 'Form Title'.stringName of the initialized product
descriptionOverride value for the 'Form Description'.stringDescription of the initialized product
hideTitleDetermines whether to show or hide the 'Form Title'.booleanfalse
hideDescriptionDetermines whether to show or hide the 'Form Description'.booleanfalse
alignTitleCSS alignment of the text for the 'Form Title'left | right | centercenter
includeReservedAttributesDetermines whether to display the reserved attributes in the form or not.true | falsefalse
attributesObject of attributes definitions for the form.Record<AttributeName, AttributeObject \| undefined>{}
classNameA className to the widget container.string''


componentName of the component to usestring-